Madness at Gardmore Abbey -session 5
played July 30
Whispering Grove -Autumn Nymphs
Return to WinterHaven
'Remarkable. Just remarkable', he says. Lord
Paidrig leafs through the maps and lists detailing the orc defences again,
shaking his head in wonder and adjusting his spectacles. 'You have truly
outdone yourselves. Between this and the information extracted from the orc
savage Sir Oakley brought back the day before yesterday, we finally have enough
information to form a proper battle plan. Just remarkable', he adds, thumping
the heavy mahogany desk.
The five of you are squashed into Lord Paidrig's
study, two sitting and three standing, as Lord Paidrig and Rond Kelfem the
captain of the militia study the documents.
Lord Paidrig looks up sharply. 'Gods, It’s
rediculous. Do the Fey actually believe these gardening journals give them some
sort of claim on this land? Still, we might be able to use this to our
advantage. The breach in the wall offers by far the best approach to the
village. We need to get these fey creatures onside against the orcs. If all
they want is to live in an overgrown garden after the battle that won't be a
problem, so long as they don't stop us coming through. Do you think you five
could arrange some sort of deal?' he asks, tossing over a large coinpurse (600
gp), and a contract between Winterhaven
and the Feywild, with the exact terms and signatures of Berrian and Lord
Paidrig left blank.
He rises from his ornate chair. ‘Well, we have
work to do. Return to the Fey and make these terms acceptable’ His eyes are
very pale and unblinking, and he clenches his hand into a fist, punching his
desk. ‘They will accept – its in their interest, and we need that breach
covered. Then return here and we will finalise our plans – I’m aiming to launch
this attack in a fortnight
Sir Oakley
If you could assist me in purifying the temple at
the summit of the corrupted abbey. That high plateau was called once Dragon's
Roost. Your job would be to keep me alive and help me reach and enter the
temple so that I can conduct the ritual of purification. I am not helpless by
any means - I can still use this sword, believe me - but I am not as young as I
once was, as my experience with the orcs a few days ago taught me.'
Arcanian Lab
You walk up the curving stone steps leading up the
tower's doorway. As you do, you are struck by an image from the past - 'The
Death of Eleida', but it is an dreamlike vision only and you have no idea who
these protagonists are.
All of you see the same thing- a tragic scene plays out on the steps leading to the tower as
the town burns behind. The man is devastated - you can see he is in love. The
dead paladin is beautiful. The vision only lasts for a moment.
A barrier of shimmering ice spans across the
doorway, blocking the view inside. You might be able to dispel the wall but he can sense that the power of the person who erected the ward is
much greater than his own. This magical wall of ice is undoubtedly alarmed and
any attempt to dispel it would probably trigger it. The windows into the tower
are all sealed with ice.
The wall of ice blocking the main doorway into the
door glistens with a wet sheen as you works on it. Droplets of water form on
its surface, turning quickly into little rivulets that trickle down and pool on
the stone threshold. The wall of ice is melting. White electrical sparks fly
along invisible threads spun across the doorway as the arcane weave misstriggers.
Those trained in Arcana hear a low humming sound – inaudible to the others–
that signifies the collapse of the magical field.
Flesh Golem -Elaida
2 Gargoyles
Warped Magic Trap
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